I haven’t posted much, only five times in the past four months since I recapped Cristian’s first six months. Since then his sleep patterns are all over the place, he still draws attractive women like a magnet, and trips to Carter’s or Buy Buy Baby have me wishing for my next prostate exam.
Cristian bears little resemblance to the baby we brought home from the hospital. Back then he spent most of the day napping in his Moses Basket while we took turns feeding and changing him and watching lots of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.
Time stands still for no baby, our bedroom is full of bins of clothes he’s grown out of, and although I haven’t posted Cristian’s been hitting his developmental milestones. We’ve gone from tummy time and mini pushups to babbling and rolling. Now he’s crawling and figuring out that walking thing. Crawling was a game-changer.

Crawling led to baby proofing and reconfiguring our living room. This time it served a purpose, instead of Esther saying—let’s try the couch over there. The couch covered electric sockets and cords and moving the recliner and placing a storage ottoman on the other side created the Cristian Zone.
Chico enters the Cristian Zone at his own risk. While the baby crawls, plays, and grabs furniture he also keeps an eye out for an active baby looking to grab his tail or an ear. Chico and I both agree it was easier to watch the baby when he was younger. Those were the days—he sat in his chair or played in his swing watching Sid the Science Kid or Sesame Street. Elmo rocks!
Crawling Cristian requires more attention. His natural curiosity gets him into all sorts of mischief, crawling under tables, pulling up on the furniture, and grabbing anything within reach. He’s found things I haven’t seen in months. I’m convinced if you let a team of babies loose in the Meadowlands parking lot, they will find Jimmy Hoffa.
My son is growing fast, and although it’s brought new challenges, I’ve enjoyed watching his personality develop, even if it means new levels of childproofing. I knew it would be challenging when I signed up for this and will have it no other way.
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