I can’t believe it’s been a year already. A year ago I spent the night in a hospital room keeping friends and family updated via Facebook posts as nurses induced Esther—it didn’t work. It turns out, Cristian like his parents is stubborn. How stubborn we didn’t know at the time.
At 1:26 pm Esther gave birth to a 9 pound 3-ounce 21.5-inch boy, whatshisname. We hadn’t agreed on his name yet. Asking me to calm our crying and unnamed son, by speaking to him, I put on my best Darth Vader voice and said, “Son I am your father.”
The first few weeks were a blur of feedings, diaper changes, and friends stopping by to see the baby. Sequestered in our apartment like jurors on a trial while we took turns watching Jeopardy, napping, and playing with our new son, the memory still makes me smile.
I dove headfirst into my stay-at-home dad crash course. I was introduced to the Sprout Channel, Peppa Pig, and Sid the Science Kid and scrambled like a contestant on a gameshow folding laundry, sterilizing baby bottles, and grabbing a quick shower while Cristian napped.
In March we enrolled Cristian in My Gym, a children’s fitness center giving him a chance to meet other babies socializing him through structured activities, and giving me a chance to compare parenting notes with other parents.

Esther and I were amazed as our son grew from a fragile newborn to a chubby-cheeked toddler. His smiling face every morning made us forget the sacrifice, sleep deprivation, and occasional blowout.
As Spring arrived my time was split between caring for my son and managing my father’s healthcare first in a hospital and then in a nursing home. My blogging suffered as my world was turned upside down, but Esther and I insisted on keeping as much normalcy in Cristian’s routine as possible. My Gym classes and trips to the park were sandwiched between hospital visits.

Cristian will never know the joy he brought his grandfather during his last days or how much his cheery demeanor helps grandma cope with Dad’s loss. His days consist of playing, crawling, and general mischief. His electric smile and big personality changed Mommy and Daddy’s lives in ways we couldn’t comprehend a year ago as we anxiously monitored his vitals as nurses induced his Mommy.
Happy Birthday, Cristian!
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