I’m reluctant to call this post a best of, or highlights, because not everything is a happy memory—but they are memorable. 2015 will be remembered as bittersweet. Esther and I experiencing the joys of parenthood was the highlight. Four family funerals and burying our dog made me wonder if we somehow pissed off the Grim Reaper.
Life is never as good as it seems when things are going well or as bad as it seems when they are going bad. This is what I remember from 2015:

Our First Full Year as Parents – Cristian was born in October 2014 so 2015 was our first full year as parents. We watched our little bundle of joy grow from a (not so) tiny newborn to rambunctious toddler. He was one of the few constants over the past year. You have no idea how many people you touched with your big smile and bigger personality. Esther and I are still amazed this adorable little boy is ours.

Dad’s Memorial – My father passed away this year. Five months later his loss still leaves me numb. Although he was 89 and spent much of the past few years in doctor’s offices and hospital rooms I thought, or maybe hoped, he had a few years left.
Dad loved a good story and his funeral gave me several. At his wake I met a charming older gentleman named Serafin who’s touching stories I’ll never forget. His funeral mass included a eulogy which left mourners alternating between laughter and tears and a driving rainstorm at the cemetery soaked those paying their final respects.
What I remember most is spending time with the family at Mom’s house afterwards. Dad loved entertaining—his summer cookouts were legendary. What better way to honor his memory than swapping stories with good food, good people, and good wine, the way he used to. I’m sure El Viejo was looking down with a smile on his face.
I’m Mr. Mom – If you told me five years ago I would be Mr. Mom, I would have laughed at you, but here we are. A freelance consulting gig allows me to work from home on a laptop while Cristian plays or watches Sesame Street and Peppa Pig. I’m usually the only dad at his My Gym classes and story time at the local library. I’m lucky—I get to experience Cristian’s firsts instead of hearing about them from others.
Esther and I Celebrated Our Fifth Wedding Anniversary – On Thanksgiving Day Esther and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary. Although she is sometimes the subject of a joke or two from this cranky blogger, she is what I was thankful for (not just on Thanksgiving). She introduced me to bike tours, long-distance running, and salsa (the music not the condiment). She is the Ying to my Yang and I’m lucky to have her in my life.
I’m now a Published Writer – I’ve been writing for ten years and blogging the last five. This year my work was published in a website I enjoy reading, The Good Men Project. So if I take anything away from 2015, I’m a writer, marathon runner and a badass dad.
Farewell Chico – Some will say “Why are you getting so emotional, it’s only a dog?” I understand not everyone is an animal lover and others consider dogs or cats just pets. Not us. Chico had a tremendous vibe and the ability to coax a smile from most people even non-dog people. Who doesn’t like a nice dog? Yes we spoiled him—he was our practice child before Cristian was born. My day is not the same without Chico’s morning walk.
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