Parenting is a time-consuming, energy-draining proposition. Babies expect to be fed and those diapers need to be changed every day. I knew this when I signed on, or thought I did. Taking care of a baby is easy in theory. Reality on the other hand…
During Esther’s pregnancy, we debated baby names, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz had nothing on us, designed a nursery, she planned the layout while I moved furniture back and forth and back again and again and again, and stocked our home with every conceivable baby item.
I wanted to record Cristian’s birth, so we could show him the video every year on his birthday. The doctor was onboard—the Go Pro Camera was strapped around his head and ready to go. My better half objected, something about therapy being expensive.

Like most expectant parents, we thought had it all under control when in reality we had no clue.
As new parents we anxiously awaited each developmental milestone, lifting his head, tummy time, and crawling. We survived, sleepless nights, diaper blowouts and teething (wait that’s still going on).
Walking, or more accurately, chasing our walking baby is the challenge du jour. We were so excited when Cristian took his first steps. A baby’s first steps look a lot like college students on a St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl. Before long they figure it out, and then it’s like chasing the Tazmanian Devil on Red Bull.
Chasing a curious toddler down hallways and keeping him away from open doors and staircases requires teamwork (see my last post). Think you’re keeping him out of the kitchen by putting a few chairs or a toy box in his way? Guess again.
Cristian’s an amazing troubleshooter, climbing over and crawling under most obstacles. He’s going to kill the Tough Mudder course in about 20 years, maybe 10, but that’s not helping me right now.
Hanging out with my brother last weekend didn’t help. Ever the big brother, he let me in on a secret—we haven’t scratched the surface yet. Thanks Bob, I knew I could count on you. Oh well at the very least, I’m sure it will generate a post or two and give me some cross training once race season starts.
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