2016 hasn’t gotten off to the start I expected. Is it too late to ask for do over? January started off well-for about nine days–then things started unraveling.
Unraveling started with a stomach virus—changing my definition of morning run. Being the unselfish guy I am, I shared my virus with the family. Mom was first, enjoying the queasiness and extra bathroom trips so much, she shared with the baby.
He repaid us too—with crankiness and we’ll-loaded diapers. That kid could really load one up. Not wanting to feel left out, Cristian got Mommy sick, completing the clean sweep.
We recovered in time for the Blizzard of 2016—Cristian’s first blizzard. Taking him out to play after digging out was a highlight. Then we all got sick again. The doctor said it was viral but it felt more like the flu.
Taking care of a sick baby sucks, especially when you’re both sick at the same time. I’ve gotten used to staggering out of bed and bringing Cristian a bottle in the middle of the night. He usually gives me a pissed off, what took you so long look before snatching the bottle and going back to sleep. That’s on a good night and we haven’t had many of those since he’s gotten sick.

We’ve shared a steady diet of sleepless nights trying to soothe our screaming son. We’ve taken turns walking him around the house. Being unable to calm a screaming-feverish baby giving off furnace-like heat is the most helpless I’ve felt as a father.
Although the fever broke the next day, this past week included a steady diet of binge watching Sid the Science Kid, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and Caillou at 3 am. You know I love my son if I’m sitting through episode after episode of Caillou.
Although I foresee another late-night/sleepless baby/kiddie programming evening, Pepa Pig tonight, there’s hope. Cristian’s smile returned today, he spent the afternoon running around getting into mischief. He’s not there yet but hopefully soon.
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