We all love our kids but being locked up with your little booger monster takes a toll over the long haul A blizzard, ear infection, and daily bombardment of the Donald-Marco-Ted three-way is enough to make the strongest among us scream for a night out.
If you aren’t sure if you a night away from the baby I created this guide. Helpful hint nicknaming your pride and joy Godzilla thins out the baby sitting pool quickly.
Playdates Dominate Your Social Calendar– Playdates and Children’s Fitness Centers like Gymboree and MyGym are great for socializing your child. New parents compare notes on sleep patterns, developmental milestones, and the strangest place you’ve found poop and puke. As helpful as they are an evening spent with a different circle of friends will make a huge difference. Suggestion – Double date with another couple. Bonus points if their child is old enough to babysit.

You’re Watching Too Many Kiddie Shows –When PBS Kids and Nick Jr are your go-to channels it’s only a matter of time until you get caught up in Elmo’s latest adventures. Waking up humming the Pepa Pig theme is a sign you need a night out. Suggestion – Beer and Wings with the guys at a Sports Bar.
The Last Movie We Saw Was Um…– Having young kids in the house means they determine what’s on TV. It makes you long for the nights when you and the wife battled it out for the remote. If the last movie you saw was the first Hunger Games you’re overdue for a movie night. Suggestion –Dinner and a Movie.

Funerals Become Date Nights – It’s gotten pretty bad when attending a wake or sitting shiva is the highlight of your social calendar. Although wearing something other than the stained sweatshirt and pajama pants will score points with your better half, sharing a meal of brisket and rugelach with your fellow mourners is not a date night. Exceptions may be granted for an Irish Wake. Suggestion – Make Reservations for two at a steak house because nothing says love like porterhouse.
Some Private Time Please – Keeping up with a toddler requires the patience of a monk and the energy of an extreme athlete. Sometimes that’s not enough. Working all day and trying to outlast a wired baby late into the night is exhausting. It usually results in one parent falling asleep before the baby. You know it’s gotten pretty bad when you start comparing who’s better looking Wilma Flintstone or Betty Rubble. Suggestion – Call in a huge favor and have someone to watch the baby while you book a romantic weekend, a three-day weekend if possible in case one of you passes out the first night.
Disclaimer- No Cartoon Characters were hurt during that last joke.
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