It’s been five months since my last post. Three days later Cristian Daniel Priegue was born. Our lives and sleeping habits will never be the same.
We quickly found out taking care of a newborn is a lot of work. Those diapers have to be changed every day, and his sleeping habits were all over the place. Finding the right life balance took time—we’re still finding it.
Five months later, I’m back at the keyboard. There is so much to write about but writer’s block can be a bitch. I started posting on my other blog, North Queens Runner—but that was easy—since it has a theme and a voice.
Like being a Dad, I’m Not Grandpa is a work in progress. I have enough to write about, it just hasn’t flowed from my brain to the keyboard as easily as I thought it would. Finding the proper balance of sarcasm and sentiment is a challenge but so was changing my first diaper and that worked out okay.
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